API Reference

All Codeschool modules and apps live inside the codeschool namespace. Besides these core modules, the Codeschool team also maintains a few modules as external dependencies. This page gives an overview of the architecture and the role each module plays in the Codeschool infrastructure.

Core services

Core modules

  • fixes: monkey-patch 3rd party libs
  • components: jinja2/bricks components
  • settings: django settings
  • site: core templates

Core apps

  • accounts: user authentication, login and signup (uses userena)
  • cli: command line scripts that helps managing codeschool
  • core: a mixed bag of core functionality

Learning management system

  • lms: learning management system, control courses, grades, etc


  • questions: implement different question types


  • extra: optional codeschool activities
  • gamification: points, badges and stars
  • social: social network capabilities

Testing framework

Codeschool uses pytest as a testing framework. The codeschool.tests module provides an infrastructure with some useful fixtures, mocks, factories and abstract test case classes.

Each app must provide a /tests/ module which is typically divided in the following structure.

tests/test_appname.py Unit tests that tests the main module functionality and makes little or no access to the database. These tests should run fast and are used in a TDD development cycle.

test/test_db.py unittests that make database access. These module should be marked with the pytest.mark.test_db mark and are excluded from the default test suite. They should be executing before pushing any commit.

test/test_views.py Test view functions and check if the urls exposed by the app are functional. These tests typically uses both the database and Django’s request factory objects. This module should be marked with pytest.mark.test_views mark.

test/test_ui.py These module should hold all tests that uses the web driver. This is the slowest part of the test suite and should be marked with pytest.mark.test_ui


Most Codeschool test folders are currently organized into two modules: test_unit.py and test_integrations.py. This is a temporary arrengment until we refactor old tests into the new infrastructure.

External modules

  • vendor: vendorized libs